Rinascimento Restauro at Mercanteinfiera Fall 2020 (Hall 3 – Booth A 001 – A 007)
In Hall 3, the A 001 – A 007 booths “Rinascimento Restauro” is distinguished by its professionalism in the restoration of paintings on canvas and board, wood sculptures, gildings, frescoes and wall paintings.
Riccarda Siliotto and Daniela Campagnola, experienced restorers included in the official list of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, are at the complete disposal of operators and visitors to carry out restoration work at the exhibition, provide free quotations, and above all technical advice for those about to purchase a work of art.
The “Rinascimento Restauro” booth will offer visitors and exhibitors expert services and custom-made research, for a possible certification of works.
Siliotto Riccarda
Laboratorio: Via A. Badile 41, 37131 Verona
Tel. 349 47 67 438
mail: rinascimentorestauro@gmail.com
Campagnola Restauro
Sede legale: Via A.Masprone 3, 37142 Verona
Laboratorio: Via A.Badile, 41 37131 Verona
tel. 347 089812
mail: dacamp@tin.it
www.campagnolarestauro.it @daniela_campagnola